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Join the Circadian Team for 2021/22

The deadline to apply is 11:59pm on Sunday 4th July 2021 via the Google Form below

These roles are set out as a guideline of what we think students are interested in reading; if there’s another area you think students would want to read and you’d like to edit - feel free to apply for it and explain! 

Operational Roles

Operational Roles work closely with the Editor-In-Chief and Deputy Editors to ensure that Circadian runs smoothly, from funding to output and everything in between. They’re great roles if you’re looking to get involved but don’t want to write too much - although you can write articles if and whenever you’d like too!


An Editor-At-Large is someone who provides experience and expertise in guiding the direction of the magazine, and has likely been involved in the magazine previously. They work on specific areas of improvement outlined in the strategy. They have freedom to write about any topic of particular interest.

Online Editor

The Online Editor is the main person involved in coordinating and curating our social media and website. They work closely with the Deputy Editor Output to plan how we get articles out to the BL community and then use analytics to feed back to Section Editors on what works and doesn’t! Don’t worry if you haven’t run a social media account or website before - this role is great if you want to develop those skills! We currently use Instagram, Facebook and have a website at hosted on Squarespace.


The treasurer is in charge of the finances of Circadian. With the support of the Editor-In-Chief and Deputy Editors, they are responsible for writing grant applications and identifying and working with potential sponsors. They also have to keep a track on spending and authorise expenses forms.


This role is slightly different from the others in that you can shape part of the design style of Circadian (both in print and online), in addition to producing a cartoon for each issue. We’re very proud of the custom artwork that we use for the front covers and throughout the issue and the illustrator-in-chief can work with interested illustrators and editors to create a consistent tone within the magazine.

Section Editors

Section Editors are responsible for writing and editing articles around their particular area and trying to get more students involved in writing for that topic. They are encouraged to come to pitch meetings to help plan the print issues, and are expected to write at least one article a term.

Politics Editor

The Politics Editor is responsible for writing about the political landscape of the country, especially on how it affects us as students. As a magazine we don’t have a political stance, but as healthcare is one of the most heavily politicised issues generally, we aim to have a balanced conversation about the healthcare landscape many of us will end up working in!

International Editor

The International Editor is a new role, and therefore has a lot of flexibility going forward. The role is aimed at reflecting the international nature of our students and community by integrating more international stories, whether that’s straightforward news stories, exploring cultures more, getting international student views on student life here or anything else you can think of!

University & Union Editor

The University and Union Editor is a role that aims to keep students up to date with major changes and news coming out of QMUL and QMSU/BLSA. It’s a hugely important role in terms of holding the University to account by asking questions and keeping students in the know, and is an area that has a lot of student interest. Experience or interest in student politics is something that could be beneficial, but most important is a desire to keep the University transparent.

Sports Editor

The Sports Editor is a role that is aimed at keeping students up to date with the major sporting achievements that our sports clubs are up to. Of particular interest are UH sporting updates and working with sports clubs to celebrate their successes more with our wider community.

Societies Editor

The Societies Editor, similarly, is aimed at capturing and celebrating the events and initiatives our societies undertake. It’s a broad role with lots of scope to take it however you want to, why not go backstage at Laird Hall shows, grab 5 minutes with the keynote speaker at a society event or see if an academic society wants to teach a topic in article form?

Volunteering Editor

The Volunteering Editor’s role is to publicise volunteering groups and the great work each of them do. Arguably volunteering groups do some of the best work at BL, and yet if you weren’t involved in them, this work can be easily missed - your role is to capture this!

Medicine Editor

As medicine is a broad field, so is this role. This section can cover whatever you’re interested in, from whether diagnostic apps are the future of primary care, to the latest raging debate in cardiac surgery, or whether the UKMLA is necessary. Don’t worry if it sounds too broad, all you need to do is focus on a certain angle and we’ll hopefully find other people to fill in the other areas!

Neuroscience Editor

The Neuroscience Editor focuses on bringing the latest developments in/interesting aspects of neuroscience to our audience. We are looking for people with a keen interest in the field, good research skills (previous experience in reading science papers/news) plus potentially experience in breaking down science topics to semi-lay audiences. This year we had some great articles such covering the effects of omega-3 on Traumatic brain injury, how pain is commonly managed (including psychosocial effects of pharma choices), and how foods can boost cognitive performance.

Global Health Editor

The Global Health Editor is responsible for finding topics which include public health aspects of medicine, and how medicine is performed globally e.g. emergency care in war zones, inequalities in medicine distributions around the world. It is a very broad role (this year we saw articles about the opioid crisis in the USA, and about knife crime in the UK), and can be tailored to the person’s interest. We are looking for someone interested in global health with a wide variety of interests around it.

Pharmacology Editor

The pharmacology editor, like the neuroscience editor, will write about the latest developments in this field as well as current events pertaining medications, e.g. the debate on polypharmacy. They can also write about interesting mechanisms of drugs, perhaps a series on how commonly used drugs work, aimed at students across multiple courses?

Research Editor

BL is home to some of the best research in the country and indeed the world, and yet if you’re studying here it can feel a whole world away. The aim of this role is to liase with researchers and research institutes to bring their research in an accessible way for us students. It’s a great way to get to know a wide range of researchers if you’re interested in this area!

MedTech Editor

MedTech is a hot topic these days, as Telemedicine, VR learning and biomedical engineering is transforming medicine. We are looking for someone who is interested in how technology is used in medicine (whether clinical or e.g. engineering techniques to solve neuroscience or pharmacological problems), who possibly has a background in the area (e.g. intercalation or participation in medtech societies), and who can explain complicated concepts well.

Sustainability Editor

Sustainability has never been so important, and it’s importance will only increase as we go forwards. This role can go in multiple directions, including general environmental news, specific pieces on sustainability in healthcare or tips on how to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Arts & Culture Editor

In this role, we want to have someone to write about more leisurely topics e.g. film reviews, sightseeing tips, cafe and restaurant recommendations, etc. As a more relaxed role, it can be taken in any direction the editor wants, and the purpose is to provide a lighter section in the magazine. 

Health and Wellbeing Editor

This role is focussed on topics such as recipes, exercise and personal wellbeing, areas that students might be able to use to maintain or improve their own wellbeing. There is a degree of flexibility in this role to take the section in a particular area or attempt to provide content on general wellbeing.


Satire is a fun way to contribute to the magazine, and believe me when I say this University is the perfect place to write it. We currently anonymise all satire articles (optional) so feel free to go as wild as you like!


This is a new role, aimed at launching and hosting our own in-house podcast. It’s very much a work in process so the most important thing is passion to make this a success going forwards! The QMSU Hub in Mile End has a radio studio so all we need is the right people and topics to discuss.