All in Editorial

Online Elections 2021

We’re excited to announce that elections are open for our leadership roles next year; any student member paying subs can run and vote online during the voting period. There are 3 positions available in this AGM, all other roles will be appointed via an application process after the AGM has been completed.

Online AGM

Considering the uncertainty around where and when students will be in the coming months, we shall be holding an online AGM - where any member paying subs can vote online during the voting period. There are only 3 positions available in this AGM, all other roles will be appointed via an application process after the AGM has been completed.

Editorial - Issue 2

Barts and The London is home to over 3,000 students studying the healthcare sciences in the heart of the East End. Although it is privilege to study in this unique and diverse community, the east end has gained a reputation of being one of the ‘rougher’ parts of London.

Editorial - Issue 1

What makes Barts and The London a special place to study? When asked that question, perhaps at an open day or when challenged on their obsession with identity, students often fall back on familiar themes; community, student activities, and of course, history.