All in Philosophy

What do we owe to each other? Part 2: Deontology

It has been almost a year and two months since the critically acclaimed (by my mum) first part of this crash course philosophy series was published. And although we have had not one but three lockdowns thanks to the efforts of our dear leader and his loyal lackey, I have managed to procrastinate this, the second part of the ‘What do we owe to each other’ series, until today, only a few weeks before my next ICA.

What Do We Owe to Each Other? Part 1: Utilitarianism

If you're either a Philosophy nerd or TV buff, the title of this article may ring a bell. Philosophy nerds, indeed it is eponymous with T.M Scanlon’s book and TV buffs, you’ve got it, it comes from one of my favourite comedies, The Good Place. Sadly though, unlike Chidi from the show, I do not have a 6-part lecture series, each 3 hours or so long to discuss the intricacies of abstract theories, nor am I in any way qualified to do so. No, in this ‘series’ (quoted because I have no idea whether I can procrastinate my degree in the future to write these up) I want to introduce some basic philosophical and ethical concepts.