Write for our Welcome Series!
Submissions are now open for our new Welcome Series, ‘New Year New Me’!
The series is all about welcoming new students to the Barts and The London with articles about student life and topics that might interest them. We’re also aiming to catch up existing students on issues that have taken place during the break or indeed get them interested in any new topics.
The deadline for any submissions is the 31st of August 2020. If you have any questions, let us know!

Inspiration from last year
Have you ever thought of research, and what it involves? For me, I used to see research as a scary thing that you can only do if you are some sort of science genius
A leaked email chain from within the University reveals that the executive leadership are becoming increasingly concerned that BL sports clubs and societies are in fact poorly disguised cults designed to worship at the shrine of “The Old Logo”
Unless you’re a real parliament nerd like me, who revels in the delights of subtle and firm put downs in the Queen’s English and the heated and often rancorous atmosphere that lines the walls of the Commons, you’ll probably be wondering what the hell has been going on? Well, never fear, this nerd has got your back and we can explore this very British chaos together.
Now I’m not suggesting that everyone immediately adopts veganism because I like cheese just as much as the next gal. But we can all reduce our weekly meat and dairy intake and increase our fruit and vegetable consumption. Not only that but it’s time to go green.
It’s fire and ice. The Amazon is burning, and Iceland has lost its first glacier. Scientists first confirmed the unnatural rise in CO2 levels in the atmosphere in 1958, and the public and mainstream media only started to take notice in the 80s.
The ability to make a decent bolognese is an absolute lifesaver as a student, and is an affordable and delicious way to trick your body into eating vegetables. We’ve found that cooking a bowl of this for someone can more than make up made up for our many glaring character flaws when it comes to making friends at university.
Freshman 15 is a common American term used to describe a fresher student who is likely to gain 15 lbs (5 kg) within their first-year at university. Indeed, the transition from home to university often leads students down a convenient and financially friendly path, riddled with take-away and ready-meals.
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the centre stage in the field of medical technology worldwide. Many industry leaders envisage AI as having the potential to revolutionise healthcare delivery amidst a backdrop of ever-important challenges in tomorrow’s healthcare systems.
From 2014 to 2017, life expectancy in the USA decreased for three consecutive years, a pattern unseen since World War Two. A major contributor: increasing deaths from opioid substance abuse.
Whether by prosections or dissections, the teaching method can be a key factor in deciding where to study. So what exactly can you expect from the anatomy teaching at BL and how do you get the most out of it?
Personally, I’ve found accessing ‘culture’ and ‘broadening my horizons’ has offset some of my more embarrassing fresher incidents, and it gives me something to tell my mum about at the weekend to convince her that I really do have my life together.
Queen Mary Students’ Union has alerted students to the possibility of a snap general election by releasing a statement urging students to register to vote. The statement, which was signed by all four Executive Officers, comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson renews his call for a snap election to break the political deadlock in Westminster.