

QMSU Executive Officers call upon students to register to vote

QMSU Executive Officers call upon students to register to vote

Queen Mary Students’ Union has alerted students to the possibility of a snap general election by releasing a statement urging students to register to vote. The statement, which was signed by all four Executive Officers, comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson renews his call for a snap election to break the political deadlock in Westminster.

 There have been multiple allegations that the Conservative Government’s choice of election date, Tuesday 15th October, was designed to reduce student participation by making it harder for them to register to vote. Under the Prime Minister’s proposed date, the deadline to vote would have been Friday 27th September - deep within the traditionally busy ‘Freshers’ period of University, where both new and returning students are settling in.

 An unprecedented surge in the number of 18 to 25 year olds registering to vote and subsequently voting in the last general election in 2017 is widely credited with helping to collapse the Government’s majority, in a phenomenon later dubbed the ‘Youthquake’. It must be noted though that the proportion of 18 to 25 year olds who vote still lags behind every other age group.


Register to Vote - Executive Officer Statement

 With the chances of a snap general election becoming increasingly likely, your Queen Mary Students' Union Executive Officers have released a statement regarding the issue;

 As your elected Executive Officers, we are incredibly frustrated to learn of recent news surrounding a snap general election. The attempt to hold an early general election, with the intention to prevent students from voting, is clearly denying a generation their right to have a say. 

 With a student population of 24,000, we are dedicated to championing the democratic rights of students. Given that the government understand that September is a crucial time in students lives it is important that we act now, and register to have our voices heard. 

 We will be heavily encouraging you, our students, to register to vote, especially during Welcome Events, so you are not denied your right to make decisions that affect you the most. As students, as citizens and as the future of our society, we have a responsibility to voice our concerns and influence decisions where we can. Elections are the democratic platform that allows all of our voices to be heard and we, as Executive Officers, do not want students to be left out. 

 Make sure you register to vote, so your voice can be heard when an election is called!

 To register to vote, click here ; 


You can apply for a postal vote, click here; 


Information on how to vote as a student can be found on the following website:


If you need additional support throughout this time, the Advice and Counselling Service can also be accessed through the university, through the following link:


Talhah Atcha, President, Queen Mary Students’ Union

Shamima Akter, Vice-President Welfare, Queen Mary Students’ Union

Annika Ramos, Vice-President Education, Queen Mary Students’ Union

Megan Annetts, Vice-President Barts and The London, Queen Mary Students’ Union

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