

Yeshodhaa Soobramoney, Candidate for Malta Co-President (Education)

Yeshodhaa Soobramoney, Candidate for Malta Co-President (Education)

Do you want to help lead BLSA Malta, representing students and providing them with support and opportunities? You will represent students in Malta on all matters relating to their educational experience. You will gather feedback, work to achieve improvements, and work closely with the President of the BLSA and other reps and staff as necessary.

What's your favourite moment from being a student here?

One of my most memorable moments is when I first arrived in Malta in September 2021. I was so amazed at the community-based atmosphere among fellow students and faculty. Everyone was so welcoming which made the transition into living and studying in a new country very fun and enjoyable.

What's something you've done that you're proud of?

I have been fortunate to take part in voluntary projects delivering food parcels, school equipment, clothing, and helping in medical camps across villages in India. I’ve met so many people who have inspired me and taught me that giving back to the community and serving those in need is at the forefront of medicine.

What is a problem facing students and how do you propose to fix it?

An issue among students studying a high-standard medical curriculum that I have had first-hand experience in is burnout, trying to counteract feelings of being overwhelmed, and staying motivated especially when we are so far from home. I’m no stranger to the challenges of executing an independent and balanced lifestyle whilst also prioritising self-care. SAPS is already doing an excellent job at encouraging and supporting students throughout their journey. My aim as BLSA Co-President is to continue building an environment where students become comfortable with the realities of studying medicine, open up about their challenges and work together to integrate self-care and effective study techniques so that they enjoy their time at university to the fullest.

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