All tagged New Year New Me

A Brief Intro to Global Health

There is no definitive definition of Global Health. In fact, if you ask 5 different people within the field (or even a class on campus) you will get a different response each time. Unlike many other scientific discourses, it bridges the gap between science and the traditionally labelled, ‘humanities’ to build a multivariate picture of an environment or circumstance; it is in its simplest form, an interdisciplinary approach to health and medicine.

Freshers Freeze

Anyone who has ever sweated over an exam or a looming deadline knows what stress feels like. Chaos. Sheer panic. Time and space disentangle, and cortical executive functions dissolve away with surging levels of adrenaline and cortisol. Everything freezes. “Freshers Freeze”, may be an even more common occurrence than the infamous “Freshers Flu”.