All tagged Issue 2

An Impulsive Genius: Sir Ronald Ross

With six Nobel Laureates attached to its name at one point or another, St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College has a healthy track record when it comes to picking up Nobel Prizes. It should not come as a surprise. While we cannot boast the ruthless efficiency with which Oxbridge churns them out (nor LSE’s knack for collecting the misfit ‘Nobel’ Prize in Economic Sciences), we did get there first and have been winning them since day one. Or at least day two.

Prof. Wanthony Arrens Exposed?

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry has been left in a state of what can only be described as mild crisis, as it was revealed that none other than Dean for Students, Professor Wanthony Arrens was at the centre of a massive anti-vaxxer network based here at Barts and The London.

What the EPM?

Educational Performance Measure, or EPM, is one of the ways applicants for the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO) are ranked on a combination of clinical and non-clinical skills, comprising the knowledge and performance of the the medical student.

Broken Britannia

And so it is done! The British exit from the European Union. It’s only been half a decade and yet it seems that this debate, if it could even be reasonably called that with the insidious interests playing their petty plots of debaucherous deceit and deception, is finally over. We’ve left after all. There’s nothing more to it.

On Wednesdays We Wear Green

“Running call! Patient fallen off the top of a bus stop, take gases and get there quick!” Calls to patients with this particular mechanism of injury are, unsurprisingly, a bit of a rarity for everyone, but regardless of their injury, we are still expected to be the first medical response for members of the public and often get there far before the ambulance service.

Project Play: The fun, the funky, and the messy

On the seventh floor of the Royal London nestled in amongst the paediatric wards, there exists the Playspace, where four times a week a team of volunteers don their signature purple shirts and get together to put on a session of fun activities for the children and teenagers of the surrounding wards looking for a distraction from the unending boredom of a hospital bed.

Editorial - Issue 2

Barts and The London is home to over 3,000 students studying the healthcare sciences in the heart of the East End. Although it is privilege to study in this unique and diverse community, the east end has gained a reputation of being one of the ‘rougher’ parts of London.