All tagged SpringForward

The Importance of Trying New Things

The coronavirus pandemic has undeniably changed the way we live our lives. There are so many things that we would normally do and love to do, and yet by law and necessity, we cannot do. The result is that we have had to adapt the way we live according to the circumstances.

Great Expectations

It has been one month since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were installed in their respective offices following months of campaigning, Republican-led attacks on the integrity of their election victory, and an insurrection at the US Capitol.

Vaccine Inequality

As of the 18th of February 2021, more than 16 million people have received their first coronavirus vaccination in the UK. The UK has also ordered 407 million doses of 7 different vaccines, making them one of the countries who ordered the most vaccine doses relative to their populations.

The Tip of the Iceberg?

COVID-19 has taken a toll on all members of the population across the globe. The SARS COV-2 virus has been identified as a respiratory virus displaying a myriad of signs and symptoms. For many, an infection may lead to only mild symptoms or go entirely unnoticed. However, a significant proportion of infected individuals experience severe and debilitating consequences.

The Ethics of AI in the Brain

Innovative machine learning devices enable patients with debilitating conditions to conduct actions that were otherwise impossible. Brain-Computer Interfaces promise great development of therapies while showing potential for entertainment and cognitive enhancement. Concerns about privacy, agency and the essence of human existence justify this as the “greatest ethical challenge that neuroscience faces today”, leading to new parameters of personal technological invasiveness.

BL Sport in Lockdown

With fixtures and in-person training cancelled, many of our sports clubs have not only been training and hosting socials virtually, but also doing some great charity work and raising awareness of a variety of causes. I spoke to Netball, Men’s Football and Boat Club to see what they’ve been up to over the past few months.

What do we owe to each other? Part 2: Deontology

It has been almost a year and two months since the critically acclaimed (by my mum) first part of this crash course philosophy series was published. And although we have had not one but three lockdowns thanks to the efforts of our dear leader and his loyal lackey, I have managed to procrastinate this, the second part of the ‘What do we owe to each other’ series, until today, only a few weeks before my next ICA.

Lunch Lockdown

Due to poverty, many families are not able to afford lunch for their children; leading to concerns about students being malnourished and too hungry to concentrate at school. Access to free school meals has helped to tackle health inequalities, and to improve health issues such as obesity due to their healthy ingredients. Additionally, there has been a large improvement in the academic achievement for pupils living in poverty.