

Virtual MedSoc to be trialled to relieve pressures

Following recent issues with Medicine in Society, in which there were not enough placements for students, and with medical places continuing to expand aggressively, the Medical School has begun to trial a new initiative in which students are instead placed on a ‘Virtual MedSoc’.

According to Virtual Head of Community Based Education, students would meet up in the Garrod Building as with PBL sessions, and sit in silence for the first hour to simulate travelling to the furthest reaches of North-East London. The groups would then be required to pass around character cards, with one student playing the role of the GP, one student having to pretend to be a patient and the others just playing themselves.

Upon questioning, the Virtual Head refused to address rumours that to be as close to reality as possible, one lucky student will get to play the part of a patient that does not attend.

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