Rethought, Dr James Barry

The complex story of Dr James Barry was initially presented to me in an arguably oversimplified package. The first female doctor, forced undercover by a patriarchal and unaccepting society, to become an incredibly talented and highly esteemed military surgeon, all the while maintaining secrecy until the end.

Increased prescription charges: two sides of a coin

Since 1995, free prescription charges have been available for both men and women, relative to the State Pension Age (SPA) of 60 or over. Justified by the fact that after the age of 60, individuals were no longer working and thus the cost of potential prescription would have a greater personal economic impact compared to those who were still working. However…

A Rakes Progress

Here’s a taster. The very first patient I had to examine the next year, resplendent in a white coat that didn’t smell of chip fat, (me, not the patient), seemed quite well, but I just couldn’t find a pulse and I had read the early parts of Hutchinson’s how to do everything. What sort of trainee doctor cannot take a pulse?